Danette Moulé
Danette has spent most of her life living in British Columbia and Alberta, and also recently lived in the Yukon Territory. Throughout her life, Danette has spent a great deal of time in nature, in particular in the mountains of western Canada. She was interested in our natural environment, wildlife, and saving the planet from a young age. Danette holds a Bachelor’s of Applied Policy Studies from Mount Royal University (Calgary), where she focused on environmental policy, and a Master’s of Natural Resource Management from Simon Fraser University (Burnaby), where she worked in Mark Jaccard’s research group and focused on climate change policy. She also holds a Certificate in Sustainability Management from the University of British Columbia.
Danette has worked for government in the roles of sustainability management and climate change policy, especially in the areas of transportation and energy. She’s also worked in the environmental non-profit field, and has held volunteer roles with a number of environmental NGOs. Danette’s experience with natural resources comes from both formal education, informal education, and observing nature. Danette is also a musician, playing piano, guitar, and trumpet. See below for Danette’s full resume.
My Résumé
Master’s of Resource & Environmental Management
Sept 2011 – Jan 2015
School of Resource & Environmental Management (REM)
Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, BC)
In Mark Jaccard’s Energy & Materials Research Group, concentrated on climate change policy and energy economy modelling. Thesis work involved designing a survey, and using SPSS statistical software to analyse nation-wide data using factor analysis and linear / multiple regression. Coursework included natural resource management, ecology, earth systems, community planning, negotiation and dispute resolution, economics, statistics, modelling, and law. Thesis was titled “Exploring Pro-Environmental Lifestyles and Values in Canada.”
Certificate in Sustainability Management
Jan 2009 – Oct 2010
Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia (Vancouver, BC)
Concentration in stakeholder engagement, incorporating sustainability initiatives into organizations, life cycle analysis, and local / global environmental challenges.
Bachelor of Arts in Applied Policy Studies
Sept 2003 – May 2007
Mount Royal University (Calgary, AB)
Concentration in environmental policy, political science, economics, research & statistics. Performed two internships as part of this programme.
Graduated on Dean’s Honour Roll
Career History
Senior Operations Advisor
Jan. 2023 – Present
Alberta Infrastructure (Edmonton, AB)
In this role I tackle projects of importance to the Deputy Minister, including creating a Minister stakeholder engagement plan, coordinating the Industry Liaison Committee, developing and delivering briefing note training to the Ministry, developing and delivering new employee onboarding, and writing briefing notes. Also prepared Minister transition binders for the election, and regularly prepare conference binders for the Minister. I also have one direct report, and act for my Manager when he’s away, which requires supervising other staff.
Wildlife Interpreter
Apr. 2021 – Sept. 2021
Yukon Wildlife Preserve (Whitehorse, YT)
Provided educational tours to the public, teaching them about the wildlife at the Preserve, the history of the Preserve and the Yukon, and wildlife in the Yukon. Assisted with kid’s camps, providing educational programming. Worked the front cabin, checking guests in to the Preserve, handling cash, and using a POS system. Wrote a blog article for the Preserve’s website and social media.
Senior Policy Advisor, Climate Change
Dec 2018 – May 2019
Alberta Transportation (Edmonton, AB)
• Led the lower emitting freight transportation file. This involved promoting the SmartWay programme for commercial drivers, engaging in discussions with industry and academia on hydrogen fuel cell transportation, performing research, and suggesting policy changes.
• Other duties were the same as the Policy Advisor, Climate Change position (below).
Policy Advisor, Climate Change
Mar 2017 – Nov 2018
Alberta Transportation (Edmonton, AB)
Created policies to reduce greenhouse gas and criteria air contaminant emissions from transportation, particularly in road construction and maintenance, but also contributed to climate change adaptation and zero emission vehicle files. Acted as department expert on climate change science, and contributed knowledge on other natural resource issues.
• Led a multi-stakeholder working group that focused on emissions reduction in the road construction and maintenance sector. With this group, brainstormed policy changes to reduce emissions, and undertook industry education initiatives.
• Under this working group, successfully got green considerations included in new highway maintenance RFPs, and achieved Minister support for updating the Asphalt and Concrete Producer Codes of Practice.
• Conducted research into policies being used by other jurisdictions, and stayed abreast of transportation- and climate change-related news and research. Used this information to inform policy creation.
• Ensured recommended policies aligned with the Alberta Climate Leadership Plan, the Ministry’s Business Plan, Provincial Government priorities, other internal stakeholders’ work, and municipal and federal government plans.
• Wrote briefing notes for senior officials as necessary. Presented to senior officials and internal stakeholders as necessary.
• Created a comprehensive policy analysis tool for the team
Sustainability Co-ordinator
June 2015 – Feb 2017
Town of Drayton Valley (Drayton Valley, AB)
Focused on implementing the Town’s Community Sustainability Plan. This included energy efficiency and alternative energy projects, greenhouse gas emissions reduction, waste management, and negative impact reduction to natural resources.
• Initiated & led the Town of Drayton Valley through its first corporate and community energy and greenhouse gas inventory
• Drafted the Town’s first Corporate Sustainability Policy.
• Reviewed the Town’s waste management policy and sought opportunities for revenue generation, in combination with further recyclables / organics diversion.
• Initiated and delivered locally-made artistic bike racks, which were installed throughout Town to promote alternative transportation in a town dominated by vehicle transit, & to increase the presence of local art.
• Built relationships with various stakeholders, including business owners, utilities, educational institutions, and community leaders.
• Delivered courses and talks on various topics such as worm composting, climate change science, and sustainable living.
• Wrote articles on sustainable living for the local newspaper.
• Created the Women in Leadership mentorship programme for local high school students.
• Led various other environmental projects, including planning and budgeting of those projects.
Teaching Assistant, Sustainable Energy & Materials Management
Jan – Apr 2013
Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, BC)
Assist taught in Mark Jaccard’s undergraduate class. Independently created and taught course sections twice per week, graded exams, guest lectured to the whole class, and handled student questions and concerns. Rewarded with outstanding student evaluations.
Intern, Planning Department
Feb 1 – 15, 2013
Regional District of Central Kootenay (Nelson, BC)
Performed research into foreshore management practices in other districts, accompanied site visits to investigate compliance with zoning by-laws and building codes, & analyzed Official Community Plan surveys.
• Drafted a foreshore management report for the Board which included recommendations for next steps and public buy-in of new policies.
• Made recommendations for improvements to future Official Community Plan surveys based on my survey experience.
• Exposed to GIS Mapper.
Research / Project Assistant, Department of Aboriginal People’s Health
Jan – June 2011
University of British Columbia (Vancouver, BC)
Conducted research, assisted with writing a report pertaining to health in marginalized populations, and wrote articles for the department’s newsletter.
Senior Programme Assistant, Department of Family Practice (Faculty of Medicine)
Jan 2009 – Jan 2011
University of British Columbia (Vancouver, BC)
Co-ordinated and undertook all course scheduling for 2nd year medical students, which included recruiting and scheduling clinical instructors to work with students throughout the semester.
• Sat on Healthy Workplace steering committee, which led to the creation of a traditional Aboriginal medicinal garden in the workplace. This process involved meeting with members of the local First Nations community, building trust, & exercising sensitivity to cultural and historical facts.
Special Project Contractor
Jan – July 2008
Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (Vancouver, BC)
Worked independently under the direction of the CEO to develop and promote the REALTORS Care® initiative, which has now become a national programme.
• Travelled around the lower mainland presenting the programme to real estate office managers and realtors, and sought buy-in of the initiative.
• Collected and analyzed data and wrote a report for the CEO with recommendations for next steps.
• Developed a successful year-long plan to promote growth and industry acceptance of the programme.
Conservation Specialist
May – Dec 2007
Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA) (Calgary, AB)
Developed and conducted provincial advocacy campaigns to advance AWA’s environmental interests, & performed on-going research to stay current with changes to legislation, government activity, corporate activity, and environmental concerns within Alberta.
• Worked with other ENGOs (Pembina Institute, WWF, Greenpeace, Sierra Club) to influence governmental energy policy and to combat environmental issues in Alberta’s oil sands.
• Wrote engaging articles for AWA’s bi-monthly journal and drafted press releases.
Immigration Consultant (Internship)
Jan – May 2007
VRV Global Ltd. (Calgary, AB)
Assembled immigration application packages for Canadian, American, and International work permits, & wrote résumés and letters of application for foreign workers.
• Interacted with clients to obtain information for application packages, and to advise on immigration issues and procedures.
• Liaised with government departments, embassies, and consulates regularly to obtain information regarding immigration and application requirements.
Project Assistant (Internship)
May – Aug 2006
The Vocational and Rehabilitation Research Institute (Calgary, AB)
Planned and co-ordinated all aspects of the Workforce Classification System (WCS) project, which led to policy change within the provincial government.
• Conducted primary research through conducting surveys and interviewing employees about trends within their particular areas of work.
• Played a key role in analyzing results and processes, and contributed to recommendations for policy change.
• Wrote all memos, invitations, thank-you letters, and resource material required for the WCS project.
Boards & Organizations
• Boys & Girls Club of Canada (Oct 2017 – Present) – Spend time with my Little Sister every two weeks, provide mentorship
• Fair Vote Canada, Edmonton Chapter (Mar 2015 – May 2019) – Executive Council. Assist with outreach, planning, and administrative duties.
• The West Kootenay EcoSociety (Feb 2014 – May 2015) – Wrote articles for the Keep Jumbo Wild campaign, recruited and co-ordinated volunteers, worked the EcoSociety booth.
• The Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society (Sept – Dec 2013) – Assisted with the Santa Claus parade, and worked the North Vancouver weekly food hub
• One Earth Initiative (Sept 2010 – Dec 2013) – Research volunteer and contributing writer. Co-wrote a research report for Industry Canada on Sustainable Consumption & Production (SCP), and assisted Severn Cullis-Suzuki in preparing for Rio +20.
• Earthsave Canada (Jan 2010 – April 2011) – Board of Directors & Volunteer Co-ordinator. Made key directional decisions, co-ordinated volunteers, & represented Earthsave at events.
• Citizens Care Giving Circle Foundation (Mar 2009 – Nov 2010) – Founding Member & Board of Directors. Established foundational roots and made key directional decisions.
• The Calgary Humane Society (Jan 1994 – Mar 1998) – Cleaned animal cages and assisted with pet care
Courses & Training
• Facilitation Excellence
• Project Management Fundamentals
• Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
• Negotiation and Mediation in Environmental Planning
• Active Engagement
• Crucial Conversations
• Effective Speed Reading
• First Aid
• GBA+
• The Dale Carnegie Course
Awards & Presentations
• Three-time recipient of Jason Lang Scholarship for outstanding academic achievement
• Presented at CONFORWest 2015 graduate student conference, and won award for “work most likely to positively impact the world” (Feb. 2015)
• Presented research in the Integrated Environmental Planning programme at Selkirk College (Feb. 2015)
• Presenting research at the Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference from May 1-3, 2015 (UBC Okanagan